Global Volcanoes

Includes: Leaflet.js, Postgres, PHP

This example shows the distribution of global volcanoes and tectonic plates using Leaflet.js. Data is pulled from a Postgres database via AJAX and PHP, and the data is converted to geoJSON to display on the map. Custom SVG icons are used as the markers.

Daily earthquake tracker

Includes: Leaflet.js, external API

An example of fetching data from an external API and plotting the data on a Leaflet.js map. The USGS earthquake monitoring API is used to obtain the data.

International Space Station tracker

Includes: Cesium js, external API

An example of fetching data from an external API and plotting the data on Cesium js, a 3D capable viewer. The application also includes a 3D model of the ISS. The 'Where the ISS at?' API was used:

Media in popups

Includes: Leaflet.js

An example of embedding external media (in this case, videos hosted on vimeo) within Leaflet popups.

Mobile applications

Includes: React, AWS S3

This example shows a mobile image upload application. The application forms a part of a citizen science engagement project, allowing any user to use their mobile phone to contribute to monitoring of a research site.

Web Design

Includes: HTML, CSS, JS

In 2020, I updated the website for DFG solicitors. The website is static, and uses HTML, CSS, JS. JQuery was used for animating drop down menus, and a Leaflet.js map used to show the location of the company.

Mobile data recording

Includes: Leaflet.js, Postgres, PHP

Coming soon!

Data Dashboard

Includes: R Shiny

Coming soon!

Icons made by Freepik and smalllikeart from